Bittern Class (Reception & Year 1)

We are the Reception and Year One children and we currently have 29 pupils in our class.  We are taught by Miss Kemp, Mrs Custance is our teaching assistant


Together, we believe working as a Reception/ Year One class is a fantastic mix! We often work together. The Reception children benefit from being around the Year One children and the Year One children love sharing their learning with Reception children.

We have a wonderful outdoor area which includes a climbing frame, role play kitchen, role play shed, water area and sand pit. We believe strongly in learning through child-led exploration, balanced with directed teaching. 

Miss Kemp

If you have any questions, please email




'Our Animal World' came to visit for our Science topic on Animals Including Humans. 


We made drip paintings inspired by Jackson Pollock in Art. 


We worked as a team in PE.


We worked on our high and low pitch with our glockenspiels in Music.


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