@SeethingPrimary - 6th November 2024We had a brilliant time in assembly today making poppies in preparation for Remembrance. Thank you so much Mrs Burningham for the idea, help and resources! pic.twitter.com/PupTNdUO3a
@SeethingPrimary - 25th October 2024Exciting announcement! Premier Sports will be joining us for Friday afternoons after half term! They will deliver games and activities at lunchtime, then specialist PE teaching for our KS2 classes, and finish the day with our brilliant new football club! pic.twitter.com/VXrB4PnIPl
@SeethingPrimary - 24th October 2024This week's celebration assembly. pic.twitter.com/ydEtJl1jzU
@SeethingPrimary - 14th October 2024Congratulations Johanna! She won the Framingham Earl High School maths competition by guessing the lowest positive integer that no-one else will enter! 👏🏻 pic.twitter.com/amwaHJ15KX
@SeethingPrimary - 6th October 2024This week's celebration assembly. pic.twitter.com/04KvLvHHSF
@SeethingPrimary - 6th October 2024Harvest and World Poetry Day Assembly pic.twitter.com/FcUVOOG1zP
@SeethingPrimary - 6th October 2024Abracadabra! What a brilliant magic show Years 3, 4 and 5 watched this week to help them learn about Road Safety. Thank you Olly Day! pic.twitter.com/5sXJRdkYxr
@SeethingPrimary - 6th October 2024As part of our work for World Mental Health Day, this week is Kindness Challenge week in our school. We are going to be doing kindness challenges every day! Could you do some at home too? Here are some ideas to get you started - pic.twitter.com/a8Hfa8fHfE
@SeethingPrimary - 30th September 2024What are these funny horn-things? In assembly we learned about Rosh Hashana, a Jewish Festival where they work on feeling sorry and forgiving.They use a shofar to call people to God. Children chose if they would like to make a simple shofar. I do hope they are not too noisy! 🙉🤣 pic.twitter.com/TX5j3OCtn7